All of my books take a lot out of me, but this book was a particular source of stress for a couple of reasons.
For one, writing about recovering from an abusive relationship isn't a picnic. It's a very important topic to me, and I struggled to capture both the hopeless, dark feeling of having to recover from a traumatic event while also portraying the light and hopefulness of coming out on the other side and realizing that life can and should be better. Hopefully I did the subject justice.
The second source of my stress was tackling the new adult genre, but it's one I was eager to explore because I'm excited about its potential. A person's twenties are a pivotal time in life, when the buffer zone begins to disappear, and you have to figure out how to define your version of adulthood.
While there are some truly amazing NA books out there, I've been a little disappointed by the lack of variety. I'd love to see more NA spec fic, as well as NA mysteries and thrillers, etc. Don't get me wrong, I love a good romance, but I'd also love to see NA expand into other subgenres.
Um, but isn't my book a romance? Yes, it is, but it's a little different from many of the NA romances I've read. If you're looking for a read that will steam up your Kindle, Starstruck is probably not the book for you. But if you're looking for a story about how two people overcome obstacles while learning to give love a chance, then Starstruck is for you.
To give you a taste of what to expect, check out my 6-chapter sneak peek.
Are you a blogger interested in reviewing the book? My book is listed on NetGalley, or you can request it from my ARC request page.
Starstruck is available on Amazon for purchase or borrow, if you're a Prime Member, and you can add it to your to-read shelf on Goodreads.