And working is exactly what I'm planning to do this year. Prejudice, Persuasion, and Sensibility will be my first novel of 2015, and I'm targeting a release around Valentine's Day. It's a contemporary sweet romance about a college student attending her sister's Jane Austen-themed wedding, where she starts to wonder if maybe that jerky guy from her English lit class isn't as jerky as she thought.
That's just the first book of what I hope will be a busy publishing calendar. Next up will be the first two books in a new five-book fantasy series set in an original universe. Expect those books sometime in the late spring/early summer. I'm also starting to plan for the first book in the Wasteland series, a post-apocalyptic series set in the Contributor universe. It'll be a standalone series, so you don't have to have read the Contributor books to read it, but I'd really love it if you do read the Contributor books! Other ideas percolating in my head include another Fairytale Collection book, a novel about family secrets, and a contemporary book exploring how a social media misstep causes a woman's life to implode.
The thing I may be most excited about, though, are the changes I have planned for my newsletter. Members can look forward to these features each month: a free short story, exclusive sneak peeks at my works in progress, and lots of fun giveaways. If you haven't signed up for my newsletter yet, you can do so on my landing page.
I'd also like to take a moment to thank all my readers for making 2014 a great year for me. I crossed the 5,000 copies sold milestone and have a shot at crossing the 10k mark this year. With each book I get closer to my goal of making a living writing books, and I never lose sight of the fact that I have my readers to thank for that. How do you thank someone for making it possible for you to do your dream job?
While I'm grateful to everyone who reads one of my books, I'm especially grateful to the readers that take the time to post reviews and/or help spread the word about my books. I know how big an investment of your time reading and reviewing is, and I am so appreciative of every review I receive. The best way readers can help authors is to let others know about our books. Nothing is more powerful than word of mouth recommendations. As an avid reader myself, I know I often reach for the books that my friends and family rave about.
Lastly, I'd like to give special thanks to the absolutely phenomenal and amazing group of people over at the Band of Dystopian Authors and Fans Facebook page. If you haven't checked the page out, you should. Between the copious giveaways and the fun and awesome people who hang out there, that page has quickly become one of my absolute favorite things about Facebook. Much love to all the members there, and a huge, heartfelt thanks for your support of the Contributor series!
Best wishes to all of you for a happy and healthy 2015. May your year be filled with books!