The good news, though, is that Instigator is on track for its Monday, June 30th release. Once that's out, I'll take a little break from drafting anything new, which means I'll have more time to devote to Forbidden, which I'm happy about because I'm becoming quite fond of my new pet project.
Usually I try to rotate through my different genres, so I'm planning a new installment in the Fairytale Collection next, slated for a fall release. It's going to be a Cinderella reboot and I'm very excited about it. I've got lots of fun ideas for it, and I'm going to enjoy putting my own spin on yet another fairy tale. This won't be the last either, as I've got ideas for several other fairy tales.
After that, I'm not sure where I'll go. My goal is to release a total of four books this year: Starstruck, Instigator, the Fairytale Collection book, and one other to be determined. I have an idea for a young adult/new adult contemporary that I'd like to try writing, so it may be that one. I also have a fun idea for a new adult contemporary with some Jane Austen thrown in, and I might go with that one.
Further out, I have tons of ideas for a fantasy series that I think will be about seven books. All of the books will be tied together by an overarching plot, but each book will focus on a different set of characters in a portion of the world, with the final book to bring them all together for the resolution. It's going to be a HUGE project that will require a lot of background work on my part, lots of world-building, setting up a magic system, establishing plant lore, etc. I'm looking forward to the challenge and to being able to spend all day long working once school's back in session.
That sums it up for me, but I'm always interested in hearing from readers. If you have thoughts about what you'd like to see me work on next, share them! You just might help me figure out what the heck I want to work on next.