Yet that's not the best part of this spring. The best part is the YA Spring Fling giveaway and blog hop, sponsored by author Sarah Dalton. Just look at all the fantastic books and prizes you could win, starting March 20th! Be sure to head on over to Sarah Dalton Books after the giveaway opens for your chance to win.
(Bonus: If you sign up to the mailing list before the 20th you’re guaranteed at least one free ebook of your choice!)
As part of the blog hop, I'm thrilled to be hosting Charity Tahmaseb today. For more information on Charity and her books, check her out on Amazon or her website.
Without further ado, here's Charity!
I live in Minnesota, so pretty much everything is my favorite thing about spring.
What’s the best thing about being a writer?
Having a way to get the stories out of my head and onto paper/the screen. For the longest time, I never realized that I could write down those stories I carried in my head to entertain myself. In retrospect, it seems kind of silly that I didn’t realize that was what writers did.
What’s the worst thing about being a writer?
Too many stories, not enough time.
Tell us something interesting about your main character.
In The Fine Art of Keeping Quiet, Jolia joins the speech team as a way to keep from failing her speech class. I based a lot of what she goes through on my own experiences on the speech team. I wasn’t failing a class, but I was terrified to speak in front of other people (and it’s still not my favorite thing).
In The Fine Art of Holding Your Breath, MacKenna swims on her school’s synchronized swimming team--yes, much like I did in high school. I’m still amazed that some people don’t know that synchronized swimming is a thing, never mind an Olympic sport.
Coffee or Tea?
Coffee in the morning, green tea the rest of the day.
Plotter or Pantser?
A little of both. Each story is different. Some seem to lurk in the back of my mind. Others need goal posts or a road map, so to speak. Sometimes I will take a particular method and try it out, just to see what happens.
Are there any books involved in the YA Spring Fling that you’re secretly lusting after?
Therin Knite’s Solace. I really enjoyed Othella (and I’m waiting patiently for the follow up), and I’m looking forward to reading Solace in the meantime.
What are your top tips for surviving a bad review?
Girl Scout cookies. I have several cases. Would you like to buy some?
Seriously, I always keep in mind two things about all reviews: Reviews are for readers, not writers. Negative or low-star reviews means you’re being widely read.
What are your top tips for surviving a zombie apocalypse?
Girl Scout cookies. I have several cases. Would you like to buy some?
Seriously ... that’s all I got.
What inspires you?
Everything? Anything? I’m always amazed how something I saw, read, or did will work its way into a story in a completely new form.
Where can readers find your books?
All are available on Amazon (electronic and print), with the majority of the titles available in Nook, iTunes, Kobo, and a few other outlets as well.